Triple S Truck Tires & Trailer Repair Ltd


Fleet Management

Fleet Management Services is an authoritative methodology that permits organizations to arrange and facilitate work vehicles with the expectation to further develop effectiveness, decrease costs, and furnish consistency with unofficial laws.

From your local oil and gas supplier to cross-country conveyance administrations, organizations across all enterprises depend on business vehicles to ship individuals and items consistently. These business vehicles are known as Fleet Management, and they are many times one of a business’s most costly resources.

In that lies the requirement for Fleet Management the executives — frameworks, cycles, and devices that cooperate to control the whole lifecycle of business vehicles.

In Fleet Management services requires:

Individuals: A Fleet Manager or a Fleet Management Company

Innovation: Fleet Management Software, Vehicle Dash Cameras, Vehicle Sensors, Telematics, and GPS

Information: Information Gathered By the Fleet Management Technology, Such as Engine Diagnostics and Driver Behaviour.

Garage Management

Pass on the everyday activities of your garage to our committed Fleet management experts. Save yourself long periods of work and stress in any case spent dealing with safeguard support plans, building parts inventories and overseeing merchant in and out information.

We have all the essential programming to make your garage management simple and understood, so you can expect precise and cutting-edge timetables, inventories and different information from our fleet management supervisory group consistently.

Telematics Installations


Get continuous updates in regards to the subtleties of your armada’s exhibition and procedure consistently with Triple S’s keen telematic checking.

Gain everything from:

Vehicle speeds

Fuel utilization

Tire pressure and, surprisingly, driving propensities for your administrators to save money on support expenses and lower the gamble of on-street issues like mishaps and breakdowns.

By exploiting the most recent in telematics innovation from Triple S, you can get ceaseless genuine serenity knowing where your armada is consistently. You can likewise save money on support costs because of constant reports on vehicle and hardware status.

Furthermore, Much More…

Connect  the genial experts at Triple S today to figure out how we can work on the tasks of your vehicle Fleet Management today!